The mysterious Cohoke Light floats along a stretch of railroad track that passes through a swampy forest in eastern Virginia. For generations, the light has thrilled and puzzled residents. Local…

The mysterious Cohoke Light floats along a stretch of railroad track that passes through a swampy forest in eastern Virginia. For generations, the light has thrilled and puzzled residents.
Freshwater jellyfish? Many people may not even know such things exist. Yet people have reported them in almost every state in the U.S., and in countries worldwide.

Scott Carpenter was one of the seven original Mercury astronauts. He flew the second earth orbital mission for the United States in the capsule Aurora 7 on May 24, 1962.
“Godspeed, John Glenn.” On February 20, 1962, astronaut Scott Carpenter radioed these hopeful words to his colleague John Glenn as he began his ascent into space.
This fantastic footage, recorded on September 5, 2005 over Tallahassee, Florida, shows an object that hovers, changes shape as it moves, and produces its own lights.
Could Earth’s auroras help us study aerial life? Footage from the International Space Station and ground photography reveal what may be living things…